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How to use box-shadow property in CSS?

This property is used to attach one or more shadows to an element.

Syntax: – 

box-shadow: h-shadow v-shadow blur spread color inset

  • h-shadow – The position of the horizontal shadow. Negative values are allowed.
  • v-shadow – The position of the vertical shadow. Negative values are allowed.
  • blur – The blur distance.
  • Spread – Size of shadow. Negative values are allowed
  • color – The color of the shadow
  • none – No shadow. Default
  • inset – Changes the shadow from an outer shadow (outset) to an inner shadow
  • div {box-shadow: 2px 2px 5px red;}
  • div {box-shadow: 2px 2px 5px red, 5px 5px 8px blue;}
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