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Moving Windows in JavaScript

Moving Windows

moveBy ( ) – This method moves the current window by a specified amount of pixels.

Syntax:- window.moveBy(horizontalPixels, verticalPixels);


window – It is the name of the window to move or is called just window if it is the main window.

horizontalPixels – It is the number of horizontal pixels to move the window where positive numbers move the window to the right and negative numbers to the left.

verticalPixels – It is the number of vertical pixels to move the window where positive number move the window down and negative number up.

Ex:- newWindow.moveBy(200, 200);

Moving Windows

moveTo ( ) – This method moves the window to the specified coordinates.

Syntax:- window.moveTo(x, y);


window – It is the name of the window to move or is called just window if it is the main window.

x – It is the screen co-ordinate on the x-axis to move the window to.

y – It is the screen co-ordinate on the y-axis to move the window to.

Ex:- newWindow.moveTo(200, 200);

Resizing Windows

Resizing Windows

resizeBy ( ) – This method is used to resize the current window by a certain amount, relative to its current size. 

Syntax:- window.resizeBy(width, height);


window – It is the name of the window to move or is called just window if it is the main window.

width – It is the number of width pixels, where positive numbers increase the window and negative numbers decrease.

height – It is the number of height pixels, where positive numbers increase the window and negative numbers decrease.

Ex:- newWindow.resizeBy(200, 200);

Resizing Windows

resizeTo ( ) – This method is used to resize a window to the specified width and height.

Syntax:- window.resizeTo(width, height);


window – It is the name of the window to move or is called just window if it is the main window.

width – It is an integer representing the new outerWidth in pixels (including scroll bars, title bars, etc).

height – It is an integer value representing the new outerHeight in pixels (including scroll bars, title bars, etc).

Ex:- newWindow.resizeTo(200, 200);

Scrolling Windows

scrollBy ( ) – This method scrolls the document in the window by the given amount.

Syntax:- window.scrollBy(x, y); or window.scrollBy(options);


window – It is the name of the window to scroll or is called just window if it is the main window.

x – How many pixels to scroll by, along the x-axis (horizontal). Positive values will scroll to the right, while negative values will scroll to the left

y – How many pixels to scroll by, along the y-axis (vertical). Positive values will scroll down, while negative values scroll up

Options – It is an object with three possible properties:
top, which is the same as the y-coord
left, which is the same as the x-coord
behavior, which is a string containing one of smooth, instant, or auto; default is auto

Note – For this method to work, the visible property of the window’s scrollbar must be set to true!

Scrolling Windows

scrollTo ( ) – This method scrolls to a particular set of coordinates in the document.

Syntax:- window.scrollTo(x, y); or window.scrollTo(options);


window – It is the name of the window to scroll or is called just window if it is the main window.

x – It is the pixel along the horizontal axis of the document that you want to be displayed in the upper left.

y – It is the pixel along the vertical axis of the document that you want to be displayed in the upper left.

options is an object with three possible properties:
top, which is the same as the y-coord
left, which is the same as the x-coord
behavior, which is a string containing either smooth, instant, or auto; default is auto

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