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Bootstrap: Component”Buttons”

Bootstrap 4 provides users with different styles of buttons.

  • Button Color.
  • Button Outline.
  • Button Size.
  • Block level Buttons.
  • Active/Disabled Buttons.
  • Spinner Buttons.

Button color:

 Use the background-color property to change the background color of a button.

Button Outline:

The button outline style removes all background images or colors from a button and gives it a lighter look.

Button Sizes:

This will indicate to you the size of the button.

  • Default
  • Large (btn-lg)
  • Small (btn-sm)

Block Level Buttons:

The .btn-block class is used to create a block-level button that spans the entire width of the parent elements.

Active/Disabled Buttons:

A button can be set to an active (clickable) or a disabled (unclickable) state.

Spinner Buttons:

You can also add “spinners” to a button.

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